Lady Wears Her Wedding Dress To Boyfriend's Work Place Along With A Pastor And Bridesmaid, Then Demands He Marries Her Instantly


A US Lady who seemed to have waited too long than she could take, decided to take matters into her own hands.

The lady wore her wedding dress and stormed her boyfriend's work place, demanding that he marry her on the spot or that’s the end of their relationship.

The whole drama was captured on cam by a Tiktok user @boymom_ashley.

According to Daily Mail, the determined bride-to-be marched through the store aisles, searching for her unsuspecting fiance.

The lady was accompanied by a man in dark clothes (believed to be a clergy man) and what appears to be a bridesmaid, judging by her frock, the bouquet she’s holding and her arm-swinging determination as she keeps pace with the ‘bridezilla.'

The woman could be heard saying to her boyfriend;

‘You put this ring on my finger two years ago and it’s time to do it or get out,’

She further added that she brought a pastor and Emily (her bridesmaid) and that if he doesn’t marry her that second then she’s done and out.

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