10 Daily Habits That Are Staining Your Teeth
Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. If your smile isn’t as bright as you would like, it may have a lot to do with the things you put into your mouth rather than your teeth just darkening from your age.
We all want to have the cleanest and whitest teeth, don't we? We head for teeth-whitening treatments and use products to keep our teeth in good condition. Unfortunately, most of us are unaware of the detrimental effects some of our habits have on our teeth.
What Causes Tooth Stains
• Tannins- plant based compounds that make it easier for stains to stick to teeth, found in Tea.
• Chromogens- compounds with strong pigments that cling to the outer layer of teeth known as enamel, found in Coffee.
• Acids- they make tooth enamel softer and rough which make it easier for stains to set in, found in Sodas.
The best way to keep your smile bright is to avoid staining them with different substances in the first place.
Here are ten habits you must avoid if you want to keep your teeth bright and white:
You swim a lot
If you’re a dedicated swimmer and spend over 6 hours a week in a pool, chances are you might notice a brownish build-up on your teeth.
When you swim, you may unintentionally let water into your mouth, and all the chemicals in pool water may cause stains on your teeth.
While chlorine helps eliminate bacteria in the water, it can turn your teeth yellow or brown and weaken the enamel, leaving your teeth overly sensitive.
You use mouthwash
Mouthwash is supposed to give you fresh breath, but it’s worth checking your labels before buying your next bottle.
Some ingredients in mouthwash can react with staining compounds in foods, and instead of brightening your teeth, it may dull their pearly-white shade.
If you can’t imagine your oral care routine without mouthwash, opt for types that don’t contain chlorhexidine or eucalyptol ingredients, and rinse your mouth only before going to sleep.
Teeth-staining Beverages
Of all the drinks in the world, coffee is the most well-known cause of stained teeth. If you drink it regularly and do not rinse your mouth right after, dark pigments can stick to the surface of your teeth.
These pigments—chromogens—will cause your teeth to darken over time.
Drinking acidic beverages
Soft drinks, energy drinks, and wines, among other beverages, can lead to stained teeth if they’re not consumed in moderation. They do this by corroding the enamel, thus weakening it and making it prone to stains.
Holding food and drink in your mouth
The digestion process starts in the mouth where saliva acts on the foods that we consume.
A by-product of this is that the food that is being digested starts releasing acidic substances that can be detrimental to the integrity of our teeth’s enamel.
Not drinking enough water
Drinking water is crucial in that it helps with reducing the effects of foods and beverages that stain the teeth.
The reason that this works is that the water that you drink during the day helps in rinsing the teeth of harmful acids brought about by the different types of foods that you eat.
Having one too many cups of green tea
Like coffee, black or brown teas can turn teeth yellow or even grey. But even green tea, which is lower in tannin content than black or brown teas, can cause staining.
To avoid this, brush your teeth about half an hour after eating or drinking anything that can harm or stain your teeth.
Try not to brush within 30 minutes of eating or drinking, particularly anything acidic, because that can erode your teeth further.
Drinking too much white wine
Red wine contains tannins that stain teeth, but white is no better. Wine is acidic, so it erodes the enamel and makes the teeth surface less even, thus making it easier for pigments to latch on.
When combined with equally staining sauces or sweet foods (for instance, spaghetti bolognese or chocolate cake), you’re practically opening up your teeth for stains to stick onto your teeth.
Soda, Cola, and Other Carbonated Drinks
Looking for a reason to cut back? Thanks to acids and dyes, these drinks, even light-colored ones can lead to serious stains. Plus, the chemicals that add flavor can also eat away your enamel.
Candy and Sweets
If your favorite sweet like hard candy, chewing gum, or a Popsicle makes your tongue change colors, it can also stain your teeth. The good news is that unless you eat those goodies often, they probably won’t do much harm.
CREDIT: Fakazanews
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