7 Natural Ways That Might Help You Treat Malaria At Home


Although the risk of this sickness can be reduced by preventing mosquito bites through the use of mosquito nets and insect repellents, malaria still remains one of the leading causes of death in Africa.

As a matter of fact, research has it that there were 216 million cases of malaria worldwide resulting in an estimated 731,000 deaths, as of 2016.

Malaria, which is transmitted through the bites of female Anopheles mosquitoes, brings high fever along with chills, pain, shivering limbs, and headache.

But it is preventable and curable. In fact, people can protect themselves from malaria by taking mosquito control measures, such as taking care of water stagnation, spraying insecticides in mosquito breeding sites, using mosquito nets and mosquito repellant creams, wearing fully covered clothes, etc.

Of course, you must seek proper and complete treatment from a qualified medical practitioner (doctor) for treatment of malaria.

Be that as it may, there are anti-malaria drugs that can be used to treat malaria but there are also effective home remedies for malaria that are believed to be more preferable than orthodox drugs.

1. Cinnamon

Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties in cinnamon help in dealing with symptoms of malaria. Add cinnamon and black pepper powder in hot water. Add some honey to it for enhancing taste. Drink it once or twice a day.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is the super spice with amazing anti-oxidant and antimicrobial properties. Turmeric helps in flushing out harmful toxins from the body which build up because of plasmodium infection.

Turmeric also helps in killing malaria parasite. Anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing muscle and joint pain, which are common in malaria. Drink a glass of turmeric milk every night to deal with malaria.

3. Avoiding Mosquitoes

Using mosquito nets and mosquito repellents help in preventing mosquitoes in the first place, so you don’t catch the dreaded malaria disease. Ensuring that there are no stagnant pools of waters and there are no open drains also provides that mosquitoes don’t get breeding grounds.

4. Ginger

Ginger is also a useful antimalaria medicine. It can be boiled with water and reduced into a delicious concoction that will effectively help you with the recovery process. The antibacterial nature of ginger ensures that the disease does not increase further.

5. The Holy Basil (Tulsa)

The leaves of the holy basil (Tulsa) are considered beneficial in the prevention of malaria. An infusion of some leaves can be taken daily for this purpose.

Home Remedy

The juice of about 11 grams of Tulsa leaves mixed with three grams of black pepper, powder, can be taken beneficially in the cold stage of the malarial fever. This will check the severity of the disease.

6. Apple Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water, soaked in a towel and kept on calves for 10-12 minutes.

7. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is one of the most effective home remedies for malaria. It should be taken daily. It contains a natural quinine- like substance.

Home Remedy

Take a quarter of a grapefruit and boil it in water. Now to separate the pulp, strain the same boiled mixture.

CREDIT: Fakazanews

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