6 Reasons Why You Might Decide To Remain Friends With Your Ex After A Breakup


After a breakup, some ex-partners avoid each other entirely. However, others continue to be in each other’s lives by remaining friends. So what motivates people to stay friends after a relationship ends? And what are the most important reasons for maintaining a friendship with an ex?

When you break up with your partner, you are sometimes losing a best friend. Many people believe it is best to separate from this person, but that is not always the case.

There are situations in which you would want to get a clean break from the relationship, such as abuse or other unhealthy actions.

However, if your split is mostly amicable and you feel it won't cause you harm, you can remain friends with your ex.

The decision will ultimately be up to you. The choice to stay friends after breaking up could be one of the best decisions you could make.

Here are some reasons you might decide to stay friends after breaking up:

You Have Children

When you bring kids into the mix, it complicates things. You have a responsibility to co-parent with your ex.

While it might be argued that you can do this without being friends, it certainly makes it easier.

Your first and foremost goal should be to set a good example for your children. You want to show them that they can still respect each other when adults decide to cut ties and work together.

He Gives Good Advice.

You still value his opinion, and now that you can no longer withhold sex from him, he has no reason not to be completely honest.

You Work Together they

Perhaps you work for the same company and you actually like your jobs. You know you’re gonna see each other at work, there’s no need to make it awkward and dread running into each other in the corridors.

Staying friends and being civil to each other might be the best thing you can do so that your work runs smoothly, but you can still choose to not see each other after the workday ends and go your separate ways.

You Don’t Have To Lose Their Family As Friends

You spent ages winning round her suspicious dad or persuading his mum that you weren’t trying to take her little child away so it would be a shame to lose all of that hard work.

Just because you aren’t sleeping with their relative anymore, it doesn’t mean you can’t still hang out for the occasional Sunday lunch.

It would be hella awkward to do that if you weren’t on speaking terms with the ex though.

It’s Easier To Get Over The Breakup

One of the hardest parts about a breakup is missing that person you used to talk to about everything, but you if you can be cool enough to stay friends, you won’t have to.

You Just Want To

And finally, the simplest yet possibly the most important reason to stay friends with your ex is because you both want to.

You don’t need to go into why and what for, you don’t need to make a pro and con list. If both of you feel like you just want to remain friends – you totally should do that.

CREDIT: Fakazanews

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